Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Donations - Anonymous or Otherwise.

The Standridge Family would like to thank all of the friends and family who have made donations by name, but they also understand if some wish to remain anonymous. If you make a donation and wish to remain anonymous, please put a quick note in the comments section on the PayPal payment page such as "Remain Anonymous". We will simply list "Anonymous Donor #1", "Anonymous Donor #2", etc, in the Thank You messages. Since I did not think of this ahead of time... If you have already made donations and wish for it to remain anonymous, please shoot a quick email to blog4angus@gmail.com and just let Craig W know you want your donation to remain anonymous. We will wait to post the thank you messages until tomorrow night to give time for those folks to put in those requests. No donation amounts will ever be posted to this blog (pennies are just as important as dollars).


  1. Do you have a bank account set up for check donations ?

    1. There is a P.O box set up in Keystone for Angus. Address the envelope to:

      Angus Standridge
      P.O. Box 1031
      Keystone Heights, Florida


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