Wednesday, April 3, 2013

UF...enough said!

Today Angus was paid a visit from some of the University of Florida football players as well as some female athletes form the Lacrosse, Track and Field, Gymnastics. Angus was piled up in his bed with his FSU blanket and pillow when all these guys and girls came in and it didn't matter to him. He thought that was the coolest thing since the Berlin Heart. The look and smile on his face was worth mare than anything I could have ever imagined.

I can't thank UF & Shands enough for all they do and have done. Not only for us, but for everyone who has ever been even close to where we are right now.

Thank You Gators!

(Click photo to enlarge)


  1. Awesome! Glad to hear he is smiling! What a trooper. Go Gators way to bless Angus.

  2. WOW, that had to be awesome. Gators may not be your #1 team but I bet after this visit they run a close second. How nice of them to do this. Did you enjoy the visit?
    Love you, Miggie

  3. How Cool is that!!!!!!!!! Now that is a surprise. Your Georgia family loves you Angus.

    Tammy Logue

  4. What a real nice treat. That was an awesome thing for them to do. Angus looks happy.


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